Mobile Credit Card Processing Solutions to Consider

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The use of mobile payments is increasing in the United States as customers become more comfortable with this type of transaction.

Mobile credit card processing refers to the capability of accepting credit card payments using a mobile device equipped with a card reader and specialized software. Mobile devices include iPhones, iPads, and Android devices. This technology enables merchants to conduct transactions on the go, typically with both mobile wallet solutions like Apple Pay, as well as tap-to-pay, magstripe, and chip cards like American Express, Visa, and Mastercard.

This mobile payment type provides flexibility and convenience for businesses that operate in various locations or need to accept card transactions outside of traditional brick-and-mortar settings. Here are some mobile options merchants can consider to help facilitate customers paying how they want and how to build a healthier business.

Apple Pay/Google Wallet 

Apple Pay and Google Wallet (sometimes called Google Pay) are applications on mobile phones that allow users to upload their credit card information to a virtual wallet. Users can either link their cards to apps (like Uber or Etsy) or tap the phone against NFC-enabled credit card terminals to make in-store payments. Certain countertop credit card terminals are equipped to accept contactless payments, which means customers can simply hold their phone close to the machine and authorize a transaction.

This technology is also available for Apple Watch users. The same concept applies, except instead of using their smartphones, customers can simply enable their Apple Wallet on their Apple Watch and hold their wrist in close proximity to the machine until the transaction is complete.

Mobile Browser Purchases

eCommerce merchants understand the importance of a seamless online experience for their customers. Customers want the ability to shop from their mobile devices. Statistics show that more and more people are using their mobile internet browsers for everyday activities, including browsing the web and making purchases. Merchants already know their website should be mobile responsive, but building an app to help customers along the buying process quickly and easily will give any merchant the competitive edge.

Mobile Card Readers 

Mobile card readers are great for business owners who don’t want to be tethered to a checkout counter. If a merchant frequents trade shows, farmer’s markets, or festivals, having a way to accept credit cards on the go is essential. Customers are relying less on cash and losing a sale because of a cash-only policy is simply unacceptable in the current payments environment.

Typically, mobile card readers plug into a mobile device and connect with an application that gives business owners the option of swiping (or dipping) with a card reader or keying in payment information manually.

Online Shopping Carts 

Merchants who design a website in such a way that makes it easy to navigate, will benefit more than their competitors. Websites that have a responsive design are important and ensure that users can view the site on whatever size device they are viewing it from. Another factor to a successful shopping experience is to make the site design simple with tappable images, and the online shopping cart checkout needs to be a breeze. These factors make the user experience fast, seamless and enjoyable.

Learn More About Our Mobile Payment Solutions:

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