Card Talk

The Payments News Merchants Need

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i3 Commerce Technology believes in delivering digestible, practical payments news and tips to merchants. You're busy. We're the payment experts so you don't have to be. We can help you.

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Chargeback Volume for 2016 Estimated to Be 21% Higher Than 2015

About 14.7 million chargebacks worth $5.8 billion are estimated to hit merchants this year, which is a 21% higher dollar value than in 2015.


Turn Every Card Swipe into Customer Data for Marketing

Agility is everything in a competitive market. i3 Commerce Technology specializes in electronic payment solutions that fill gaps in ways that our competition doesn’t.


Visa-Mastercard Settlement with Retailers Overturned: What’s Next?

On June 30, 2016 the Second Circuit overturned the Visa-Mastercard settlement with retailers. Now, some merchants are wondering: What’s next?


Why Is ePayables a Good Way to Do Business?

ePayables, an electronic payment solution that replaces check payments with a credit card account, are growing 14 percent year over year.


10 Years Later, Veterinary Clinic Still Describes i3 Commerce Technology’ Service as Unbeatable

“That endorsement meant a lot to us. We highly regard TVMA,” Chris explains. “The rates are very competitive and the service with Kevin is unbeatable.”


Are Foreign-Transaction Fees Going Away?

As card issuers fight to retain or gain customers, some are eliminating the number of fees associated with a credit card transaction, reports USA Today.


Who’s Lagging behind in the EMV Liability Shift?

While most small- and large-sized merchants have upgraded to EMV-capable equipment, it’s the mid-sized companies that are struggling. But, why?


Could This Be the End of Capped Debit Card Fees?

The Durbin Amendment–part of 2010’s Dodd-Frank Act–had retail merchants overjoyed. Why wouldn’t they be? The Amendment capped the card fees merchants pay.


Why Credit Card Payments Are Taking Over

Brian Tinker, a payment processing specialist with i3 Commerce Technology, explains why paper payments are dying – and why you should consider accepting credit cards.


Webinar: Credit Card Acceptance in the Construction Industry

As a payment processing provider that has worked with hundreds of businesses in the construction industry, we’ve learned the biggest pain points.


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